It’s CE and broker license renewal time! Let’s go over the details…
Do I need to complete CE and renew my license?
If your broker license was issued before 11/01/23 – YES to CE, YES to renewal
If your broker license was issued on or after 11/01/23 – NO to CE, NO to renewal
If your broker license hasn’t been issued yet – NO to CE, NO to renewal
If you’re an attorney with a broker license issued before 11/01/23 – NO to CE, YES to renewal
If you’re an attorney with a broker license issued on or after 11/01/23 – NO to CE, NO to renewal
If you’re a licensed leasing agent (not a broker) – NO to CE, NO to renewal
If you’re a managing broker – NO to CE, NO to renewal
How can I tell when my license was issued?
What CE do I need to complete?
If your license was issued before 11/1/21 – 4 hours of Core CE, 8 hours of elective CE, 1 hour of Sexual Harassment Prevention Training
If you license was issued between 11/1/21 and 10/31/23 – three 15 hour courses (Broker Post License)
Where should I get my CE requirements completed?
Institute Online is our recommendation. They’re amazing! You’re free to use any CE company you prefer, however.
How do I check to see if I have completed CE?
Once my CE is completed, how do I actually renew my license?
Do I need to send my CE and renewal receipts to you?
Nope! No reason to notify us about your CE completion or renewal.
When must I have my CE and renewal completed?
What happens if I miss the 4/30/24 deadline?
The IDFPR will force us to terminate you, however, it’s easy to get back up and running. Simply complete your requirements and pay a $50 late fee to the IDFPR and $25 IDFPR transfer fee and you’ll be back!
I’m confused and have questions!
Call IDFPR at 800.523.5077
Call Institute Online at 800.995.1700
Please try the above phone numbers before contacting us with questions. The reality is we have no special access to your information, so we will just be following the same steps as listed above. That being said, reach out if you can’t get the help you need. We’re here for you!Thank you for reading this long email and taking action to keep your license in good standing. We appreciate it!